
Setting up RVM with Cygwin

Why? If you're on Windows, many of my Ruby tutorials might not work as expected. Cygwin is a terminal emulator for Windows that gives it the abilities of Linux / Unix. RVM, or the Ruby Version Manager, is a really nice way of setting up Ruby on any syste…

Integrating your bot into Facebook

2022 wiser me update: Please do not use Facebook if you can. It's fucked. Delete your account. Last time, we created a simple bot that posted stuff onto our Tumblr account. If you haven't already done the previous tutorial, you can check it out here. …

Creating a Tumblr Bot from Scratch

Today I'm gonna show how to make the basis for a bot like my own doomybot. It's actually pretty easy! Project Outline This is the kind of quality output we can expect from the bot we are creating today - http://doomybottest.tumblr.com/post/147783220089/n…